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At the moment we are in need of replacing old fencing to replace it with new ones. We also need to repair the old shelters that have been worn down over time. We would love to be able to build one hurricane safe barn where all animals can find shelter during hurricanes. Ideally, one would have a small guest quarter where additional animals can be sheltered during severe weather. 


We also would like to be able to clear some trees and brushes to be able to gain more pasture and maybe buy some equipment. 


When we are able to do that we will be able to take in more animals as permanent residents and also for Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue.


We are also in need of funding to pay for feed, farrier, and vet bills. 


Down the road, we would like to make some nice sitting areas where visitors can sit and interact with the animals. 

We Are Here

616 Pinto Trail 

Englewood, Florida 34223



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